I'm getting pretty tired of Murphy hanging around my house lately.
You know him - from "Murphy's Law."
Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
Just a few examples from my week:
As soon as I finished sweeping the floor, I opened the cabinet and a bag of rice dumped out all over it.
I accidentally dropped my AirPods and one of them broke right before I needed to use them.
There was a schedule change for the flights for my trip in November and now the times don't work with the event I'm attending.
There's something going on with my arm that requires me to have physical therapy - a work meeting came up at the same time as my appointment, so I had to reschedule and shift several other things to make it fit.
The hospital took away my online access for my son's account because I shared information with his dad and stepmom. I have to appeal and they say it could take 60 days to get it back.
That system has every single test result, every message with his doctor, the entire history of his chronic (and life threatening) illness. It's how I help him manage it and make sure he's getting the right care.
Emailed and called the doctors office to talk about it and when I called they weren't available. No response.
Someone called in sick at work and I had to shuffle a bunch of meetings and couldn't get accomplished what we needed to this week.
It rained and I had wet carpet in my basement...again.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
I blame Murphy a lot - and I try to laugh while I do it.
Because some days it's just too much.
All of it.
Some days I just don't want to deal with one more thing. Or ANY of the things.
Some days I'm just tired of the amount of mental energy it takes to deal with the flood of logistics and constant juggling.
Everyone I talk to has their own experiences with Murphy though.
He's getting around a lot these days.
We're all struggling, we're all under so much stress.
I wish I had a magic wand to wave it all away. I wish that just putting positivity out into the world would be enough to help.
But it's not. No amount of positive posts or pretty pictures will take it all away.
The only thing we can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Clean up the rice.
Schedule new flights.
Keep calling the doctor.
Go to physical therapy.
Move those meetings.
Fix the slope of the soil at the corner of the house where the water is seeping in.
Take it all one day at a time.
That's it.
I am pretty sure Murphy isn't going to go away. He seems to like it here.
But we can do our best to not let him have so much fun.
Let's talk about him when we get together. Laugh and share the ridiculousness that life can be sometimes.
Cut off his power over us.
And if we all band together, maybe next time, his invitation will get lost in the mail...
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