How often do you clean under your fridge?
If you're like me, probably never.
Unless you're replacing it.
A few months ago, I got a new fridge.
Before they came to deliver it, I pulled the old one away from the wall to clean underneath it.
Here's what I found:
A used napkin.
Three water bottle caps.
A rubber band.
A couple dried up craisins.
One blueberry.
A yellow piece from Connect-4
The protective cap from a bottle of cleaning solution.
And a whole lot of dust.
Not too bad considering I've lived in this house for over 5 years and never cleaned under there. I'm not sure if the people who lived here before me ever did either.
It's funny.
The little things that fall off our counter tops and end up under the fridge.
I'm pretty sure a few of these ended up there because my cat was playing with them.
She was probably really disappointed at the time when she couldn't reach her little paw far enough under to get them back.
I think about all of the other places in my house where there's room underneath for random things to end up.
Do I dare clean under those too?
Maybe there's money under my couch.
A pair of my favorite socks under my dresser.
Or I'll finally find that missing earring hiding under my bathroom vanity.
Sometimes it's good for us to clean underneath.
Not just in our homes but also in our heads and our hearts.
To spend a few minutes beneath the surface.
It might be dusty and random, but there could also be important stuff in there that we've forgotten about.
Memories that slid beneath the day to day stresses of our lives
Goals and dreams that we tucked away for the future
Feelings that still need to be dealt with after years of pushing them away
Think about it.
Maybe by looking under these places, we'll rediscover ourselves.
Share a laugh or a tear over a memory of our favorite places and people.
Rekindle our passion for a goal we had years ago and finally make it happen.
Maybe even resolve an issue that's been haunting us for years.
You never know.
Until you look underneath.
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