My lawn may not look like it, but it's bumpy.
Ruts and holes where the rabbits (or maybe chipmunks) like to burrow underground.
A few spots where the trees that my brothers took down landed hard on the ground.
And it doesn't help that my lawn mower tires are old and they don't have as much tread as they used to.
The result?
Uneven lines when I mow.
Some of them are REALLY uneven.
I'll turn around to mow the other direction and survey the crooked line wondering whether my balance also needs to be checked out.
I wrote a post about that once too. Remember to stay to my left and you'll be fine!
Sometimes I just have to laugh.
And then I keep on mowing.
Pushing the mower over the ruts, creating those lines in the grass. Some even, some not so much.
Pretty much like life.
It's impossible for us to always create clean, smooth, even lines. There are just too many obstacles in our way.
We're going to have times where we look back and survey the path we've been on, and wonder how we could be so out of balance.
That path behind us is curvy and crooked, as if we were wandering in the dark, feeling our way through.
Because we are sometimes.
And you know what?
That's okay.
With every uneven line, we're figuring out how to create balance.
We're pushing ourselves to finish mowing that lawn, despite the ruts and bumps that we have to navigate.
And at the end of the day, when we shut off that mower and look out at the finished product, it's not going to matter one bit how even our lines are.
All that matters is that we finished the job.
Uneven lines and all.
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