I often write about being authentic.
Showing who we really are to the world around us.
Speaking our truth.
And being courageous.
Friday, I was given the gift of better sight through laser eye surgery,
I'm still in awe that 10 minutes under a laser can make such a big difference in my life. What an amazing world we live in!
As part of the recovery process, I can't wear makeup on my face for 7 days,
Doesn't sound like.a big deal, does it?
But...when you consider that I've been wearing makeup since I was probably fourteen years old, it kind of is.
Especially when I go out in public or am on camera for work (which is most of my days during the week).
It's pushing me out of my comfort zone for sure.
Pushing me to show my truth and allow myself to be vulnerable.
One of my favorite authors and speakers, Brene Brown, speaks a lot about vulnerability,
She challenges the perception that vulnerability is a weakness.
And teaches that it actually takes great strength to let other people see the parts of us that are scared, or talk about when we've failed, or admit that we don't have it all together.
So I'm going to admit that it's making me uncomfortable to think about going 5 more days in public and at work without makeup on.
As I sit here, reflecting on how this particular week of my life is challenging me, I'm reminded of the many other ways life challenges us to be vulnerable.
Today is Father's Day.
A day to celebrate the father figures in our lives. Those who are with us, and those who are not.
Talk about a job that requires vulnerability!
Hands down being a parent is so much harder than showing your face with no makeup on!
It requires immense amounts of truth and courage.
You have to protect your children.
Teach them.
Guide them.
Role model how to handle yourself in all the tough situations.
Support them when they fail (even when it hurts to watch).
And along the way, still be your own person, and try not to doubt yourself too much too.
Because when they are young, it's hard to know for sure whether what you are teaching your children is actually working.
That's the surprise that comes when they're grown and you finally get to see the adult(ish) people they've become.
I wish I would have had my dad for more years on this earth. I often wonder what he would think about the world we live in today.
He wouldn't have cared one bit whether I had makeup on or not.
All he saw was me.
Thinking about that puts things in perspective for sure.
So here's to all the dads, stepdads, honorary dads, and the dads who live only in our memories.
I celebrate all of you today.
Continue to be truthful and courageous in all you do!
Happy Father's Day!
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