I recently discovered that I could ask my phone to read me my new text messages.
I knew I could ask it to send them, but not that it could read them back.
I can literally carry on an entire text conversation without having to even pick up my phone.
Well...depending on how well it translates the words I speak. Autocorrect can be so much fun, right?
It's just one of the many conveniences in life that I am blessed to have available to me.
Beyond voice to text, there are a few other things that make life really easy.
I sometimes wonder if they are too convenient.
Online grocery shopping and delivery or pickup
A computer that remembers my passwords for me
The ability to request music to play by speaking into thin air
Technology is absolutely mind-blowing.
I've worked in tech my entire career and honestly have a love/hate relationship with it.
I love that there is so much access to information, and that we have such great tools to run our businesses and our lives.
But I worry about how easy it has become to live a life with minimal real social interaction.
I rarely go into a store and shop anymore.
Why would I when I can order at the push of a button, drive up, open my trunk in the parking lot and wait patiently while they bring the goods to me?
Not going to lie...that I DO love.
But I sometimes worry that we're giving up too much.
We're giving up the way it feels to be around people. To feel the energy in a room, to see the smiles of our neighbors, coworkers and friends.
We're giving up countless hugs, knowing looks from across the room. Inside jokes whispered in our ears. Laughter.
I feel like it's harder now to connect with people. To meet and establish real relationships. To fall in love.
Ironic that we have so many communication tools at our fingertips yet communication is becoming more and more distant.
I vote we change that.
Yes, let's use the tools that make us more efficient.
But instead of just texting and communicating through a screen, let's actually see each other in person.
Let's talk about more important things than the weather or what we ate for dinner last night.
Let's not forget how good it feels to BE around people.
How the energy is different, how it can rejuvenate us and make us feel alive again.
Let's use these conveniences to add social interaction to our lives instead of avoiding it.
Use that voice to text to make plans with your friends for a weekend getaway.
Invite your best friend along for the ride when you go pick up your groceries.
Have a party and use your home pod to play all of your favorite songs.
Capture the memories by taking selfies with your favorite people.
It could be the best of both worlds if you think about it.
Just like so many other things in life, how we use technology is a choice.
Choose wisely.
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