I truly believe they have medicinal powers, for both our bodies and our minds.
I'm a big hugger.
I'll hug you when I first see you and again when we say goodbye. And probably several times in between.
The past three years have been brutal for me when it comes to the amount of hugs I've been getting.
I tell people I feel like I'm hug-deficient.
There are, of course, some obvious reasons for this, one very big one being COVID.
There's also the fact that I had to change jobs and am now working nearly 100% remote. I miss my work family and the connections we had. And yes, there were a couple of coworkers that I did hug!
And, my kids are growing up. There aren't the little-boy spontaneous hugs anymore. No snuggling before bed, or curling up in my lap while we watch a movie.
Add to all of this the fact that I'm still single and dating in your 40's is a sh*tshow (that's a blog for a different day!).
Bottom line is - the number of hugs I get compared to what I really need isn't even close.
I'm not writing this to ask anyone to come over and hug me (but hey, if you're in the neighborhood 😉).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we underestimate the power of hugs.
The way it brightens our day when we see the people we love and the first thing they do is open their arms to wrap us up, silently showing us how much they care.
The way it instantly makes us feel better when we are having a bad day and someone is there with a big hug to tell us it's all going to be okay.
The way a good, long hug can give us a serotonin rush that is scientifically-proven to help us feel better, happier, more at peace with life.
Hugs are the best.
Give them freely.
We all could use more.
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