I paid 79 cents for this painted rock at Goodwill the other night.
My son laughed at me when I bought it.
But then again, he laughs at a lot of the things I do.
I can't remember exactly what I said to him in response, but I'm sure it was something to the effect that I can never have enough reminders to be grateful.
I probably have a dozen other items in my home that have a variation of the word gratitude on them. Pictures, sweatshirts, handwritten notes, quotes that speak to me.
Little reminders that there's so much in life to be thankful for.
I wrote a post back in 2018 about being grateful for the little things.
And I'm still grateful today.
But now I'm even more grateful, and not just for the little things. For the big stuff too.
The last few years have tested all of us.
It's pushed us way outside of our comfort zones and forced many of us to start over in lots of different ways.
I wasn't feeling very grateful while I was going through the thick of it two years ago, I'll admit that.
I was sad and frustrated and scared for awhile there.
Had I walked by this rock at Goodwill back then, I may not have bought it.
I lost it for a little bit, but when I brought back my daily practice of reflecting on the things I'm grateful for, my perspective came back.
I'm probably most grateful now for making it through that time. And for the good things that have come out of it.
For the current health of my boys and the way they overcame so much.
For the path that my career has taken when there was so much uncertainty and doubt.
For the friends that I made on this journey who help me be my best self.
For this blog, and my books, and the inspiration to write.
Living in gratitude is one of the most powerful ways for us to stay positive, to find ways to smile even on the hard days.
Even when it feels like there's nothing to be grateful for - I promise you there is.
Take a moment today, wherever you are. Pause and reflect. Think about the things in your life right now that make you happy.
Write them down. Smile for a minute (or two!).
Do that every day and see what happens.
Stay grateful.
I still am.
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Check out my new book that came out in September!