We've had beautiful weather the past few weeks.
And I've been taking advantage of it, getting outside to run, enjoying night time fires on my patio, organizing my garage...
It's been great.
Until I started noticing the flies in my house.
All of the back and forth and in and out must have been gradually letting them in.
I started seeing them a couple nights ago while we were having movie night.
Probably about a half dozen of them total, just hanging out in my house.
There are just enough of them to be annoying.
One kept landing on the TV screen.
It would show up on an actor's face and sit there, not moving.
Sometimes I would think it was part of the movie. Then the actor's mouth would move and it would look like he/she was eating the fly.
That was kind of funny. Had to giggle a little.
But now they are starting to taunt me. They wait until I am getting ready for bed at night and then fly around in circles over my head.
I have my flyswatter at the ready. It's a funny one I picked up at the dollar store, turquoise with big purple letters that spell out the word "Splat!"
I stand there in my pajamas, holding the flyswatter in one hand, ready to help those flies meet their untimely death.
They land just long enough for me to get into my ready stance and take a swing.
I'm batting about 50% so far.
I swear they mock me when they fly away. Their little beady eyes laugh at the woman in the black and white polka dot pajamas and the funny flyswatter.
It might take awhile for me to rid myself of this problem.
I tried to tell my cat that it's her job to catch these flies, but she doesn't seem to understand me. I think she's actually enjoying the show!
I might just have to accept them and make friends with them.
After all, having little things in life that annoy us is part of the journey.
When we're faced with them, we have two choices.
We can choose to let them annoy us and affect our mood and our day.
Or we can choose to look at them positively, do what we can to change the situation and accept the parts of it we can't.
So I take my swings at the flies at night, and am proud of the progress I make.
But I don't stay up until every last one is gone.
I don't let the frustration of that one elusive fly that I just can't seem to swat keep me up at night.
I just turn out the light and tell that fly that I'll try again tomorrow. I gently remind it that it should be grateful that I'm letting it live another day.
Then I go to bed knowing that I've done everything I could.
Until the darn thing flies over my head while I'm sleeping and wakes me up.
Then I might try again.
But only for a few minutes.
Just a couple more swats...