My car was sluggish, not quite picking up speed the way it should.
As if it were exhausted.
I glanced down at the console. The letter on the display was an "L" not a "D."
That explains it. I had shifted into low gear instead of drive.
A second later, I was back in the right gear and the car was up to full speed again.
I shook my head and told myself to slow down when I shift the next time.
It made me think about life and the nearly constant amount of change we deal with.
Sometimes the ride is awfully bumpy, and we have to shift gears.
In a world where we make a thousand decisions a day, riding this roller coaster with so many twists and turns and detours, it's important to know when to make a shift.
There are days when we operate in high gear. Powerful, purposeful, days when we get a lot accomplished.
But other days, not so much.
Other days, we find ourselves stuck in neutral, struggling to even get started.
Once in awhile we might even need someone to come and give us a push.
Just a little motivation to put the car back in drive and start moving again.
The important thing is that we keep our eyes on the road.
And that we recognize when its time to shift gears.
We can't operate in high gear our entire lives. Our engines will burn up.
But coasting along in drive for too long steals the joy and adventure out of life.
And low gear? Let's just reserve that for the days that we need to reset and recharge.
The beautiful part of life is that we are in the driver's seat.
We can shift gears as often as we need to along the way.
Coast through the green lights, enjoy the view at the red ones.
Once in awhile put the car in park, even get out and stretch our legs.
We literally have the power to change the course of our lives, just by shifting gears.
And that's pretty amazing.
Which gear are you driving in today?
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