When it comes to driving, there are a few things that I always hate doing.
One is parallel parking.
Haven't done that since I took my driver's test 28 years ago.
The other is turning left against traffic when there isn't a stop sign or a stop light.
It just always makes me nervous when there are cars coming from both ways and they don't have to stop.
I worry that I'll misjudge something and end up in an accident.
If traffic is too heavy, I'll often turn right and find a safe intersection to turn around at so I don't have to deal with it. To me, the stress just isn't worth it.
But this year, I feel like all I'm doing is turning left, pushing against traffic, fighting upstream.
To say I've been pulled completely out of my comfort zone is an understatement.
On my walking route through our neighborhood, there's one corner that only goes to the right. A bright yellow arrow clearly speaks to me: "Right Turn Only!"
I smile at the irony of that these days.
But I also feel comforted when I walk that route. It's familiar and consistent. It helps me clear my head and find my balance.
I reflect a lot on my life while walking these neighborhood streets.
I think about what this year is trying to teach me. What it's trying to teach all of us.
Life is definitely teaching me that sometimes I just have to make that left turn even when it scares me.
But I'm also walking away with these lessons:
I can live on a lot less money than I used to think I needed.
My job does not define me.
I'm not too old to start over and do something different with my life.
There is good in this world, even on the worst days.
The hardest (but also most rewarding) part of being a parent is letting them learn things the hard way.
Everyone needs encouragement and inspiration, even when they don't ask for it.
I'm so grateful for the perspective I had coming into this year. The foundation I have in gratitude and positive mindset has truly helped me not fall apart.
But there are days, when my patience is tested beyond its limits, when the fear overcomes me, when it's just all too much.
On those days, I just have to sit and be still. (And sometimes eat a bag of Doritos!)
I have to let myself feel that fear and process the internal struggle that rages inside of me.
And then I have to decide. Am I brave enough today to turn left?
Some days I am.
And some days I'm not.
I think that's true for all of us. Everyone I know is struggling right now.
Let's all try to be a little more conscious of that.
Whether you are turning right or left today, with traffic or against it, remember this:
You get to choose. No one else can tell you which way to turn.
Sometimes getting out of your comfort zone can make you stronger.
I've been surprised more than a few times this year that I made that left turn without an accident.
I'm becoming stronger in ways I would have never imagined if life had been"normal" this year.
How's that for irony?
It's proof that no matter how bad things seem to be, there's always a lesson in them.
Flip your perspective.
Don't ask yourself why this is happening this year.
Ask yourself what lessons this year is trying to teach you.
And be brave enough to do that thing you've been afraid of doing. Be strong enough to finally deal with that situation that gives you that giant pit in your stomach.
Make that left turn.
I believe in you.