Those of you who were worried about me from my last post about our Wisconsin weather can relax now.
We've finally turned the corner to sun and warmth and I can get outside again!
Granted...it did go from 40 degrees to 90 degrees in a matter of a day, which threw my sinuses into a tailspin, but I guess that's a sacrifice I have to make.
The trees are budding and the grass is green.
The birds are chirping, my firepit was in use last night...
I'm so grateful for this time of year.
One of my favorite things about our neighborhood when I get out for a walk or a run is the scenery.
There are so many different kinds of trees and bushes, beautiful landscaping and interesting homes to look at along the way.
Like this tree.
It's branches are growing straight up, almost as if it's reaching for the stars.
Arms extended as far as they can go.
Saying...here I am, what's in store for me next?
What if we were more like that tree?
Open to all of the possibilities and opportunities that life has ready for us.
What if, instead of folding our arms against us when life gets scary, we open them wide, take a deep breath and dive in to the next adventure?
What if we stop doubting ourselves and start believing that we can do those things that we've never done before?
What if?
I think if that tree could talk it might have told me a thing or two when I walked by it the other day.
Maybe something like this:
There are so many adventures you haven't been on yet
Your experiences in life have taught you more than you think
You are ready for something new
I think it's time we take a lesson from that tree.
Open up our arms and reach for the stars.
See what life has in store for us next.
What do we have to lose?
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