Fold the top corners in.
First from the right, then the left.
Then, fold the paper in half and crease firmly.
Next, fold down each side about half way.
Wait....don't forget to add stickers for a special touch.
We chose sparkly butterflies.
Pretty paper airplanes that my niece and I could fly across the room.
Or at least for a few feet.
Light, fragile and fun!
Kind of like life.
Bent at the corners and in the middle.
Sometimes able to fly all the way across the room.
Other times falling flat after only a few inches.
But FUN!
How often are you taking time to have fun these days?
When's the last time you made a paper airplane?
Played with legos?
Drew a silly picture?
Danced around the room to your favorite song?
I'm grateful for the kids in my family that help me remember that I was once a kid too.
Seems like eons ago. But it's true!
I was once a little girl, who didn't care what her hair looked like, how big her thighs were, or if other people would think I look ridiculous when I dance.
She's still part of who I am.
I channel her now more than I used to. And it feels great!
I challenge all of you to do the same.
Let that inner child roam free once in awhile.
Smile like you mean it.
Experience the pure joy that is so hard to find under the sometimes crushing weight of being an adult.
What would the world be like if we all did?
Paper airplanes flying all around us, stickers sparkling as we watch them soar!
Sounds pretty amazing to me.
Who's in?
Meet you in the living room in 10 for the dance party!
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