On impulse the other day, I bought a new sign for my laundry room.
"Sorting life out one load at a time" it says.
Isn't that the truth?
I wonder how many hours of my life I've spent transferring clothes from the washer to the dryer.
Or folding and putting them away.
I don't think I want to know.
It's a necessary evil I guess. We have to have clean clothes to wear.
We should smell good and not walk around with splotches of dirt on our shirts, right?
But it can be exhausting. The never-ending cycle of washing, drying and folding.
What I liked about that sign is that it reminded me that it's a process.
One load at a time.
When things pile up, it's easiest if we break them down.
One day at a time.
One challenge at a time.
One moment at a time.
It might not always feel like we can break things up that way, when we are tangled up in all of the stuff that life throws at us.
But I believe we have to. We have to pause and step back and look at all of the things we are dealing with and tackle them one at a time.
If we try to think about all of them at once, it's overwhelming.
The whites and the colors and the delicates are all mixed up, and that's never good.
Best to keep them separate.
Once we've folded the first load, the second one gets a bit easier.
Then we power through the third. And the fourth...
And when we get to the end of the pile, and all of the clothes are folded and put away, we can sit back and breathe.
Until the next load is ready to be put in the washing machine and the cycle starts all over again.
But we've got this.
No matter how high that pile is, how scary it is to think about starting to dig into it.
Know that you can.
Just take it one load at a time.
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