The path we were hiking was snow-covered and slippery in spots, but mostly flat and smooth.
The white of the snow glistened in the mid-day sun.
We wandered quietly, taking in the day and the peace that came along with it.
Until we rounded a corner and saw the obstacle in front of us.
A branch had fallen from one of the nearby trees and was blocking our path.
It was too tall and prickly to step over.
And we didn't have the tools to remove any of the branches.
The only choice was to navigate around it.
Fortunately, we were able to move past this obstacle without any trouble.
But we aren't always that lucky.
Sometimes there's no path around the obstacles we are faced with in life.
Sometimes our only choice is to push through them.
Break off the branches that threaten to stab us.
Cut off the limbs that we can't step over.
Until we find ourselves on the other side, into the clearing and back on the path forward.
I believe obstacles are put in our paths on purpose.
With every obstacle we overcome, we grow stronger and more confident.
Our past experiences help us remember that we can tackle whatever life throws our way.
And they make us grateful when the path is smooth and easy. Because we know how it feels when it isn't.
The peace and quiet and simple joy is that much more meaningful.
At the end of the day, whether we are navigating over, around or through an obstacle in life, we should be proud.
Proud of our ability to stand strong and find our way.
Proud of what those obstacles are teaching us.
And proud of who we've become because of them.
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