Night and day.
To me, those two terms are pretty distinct.
It's light during the day.
It's dark at night.
The sun shines during the day.
The moon comes out at night.
Steady, consistent rules of life, right?
Except when they aren't.
It always makes me wonder why there are times when day and night seem to collide.
Times when the moon shows clearly through the sky even when the sun is still shining.
Doesn't the moon realize that it's going against the rules of the universe?
But then I reflect...
Like so many things in life, this is yet another gray area. Something that seems so solid but really isn't.
The moon is actually always there. It's just that sometimes the light of day hides it from us.
It needs the right amount of light and shadow to be able to be seen with the naked eye during the day time.
Kind of like those things we keep hidden within ourselves.
The parts of us that we typically don't show unless the world is completely dark and we can't help but expose them.
Sometimes we need to be brave like that moon.
We often hide behind closed doors, or walls, or perfectly poised pictures on social media.
When the sun is shining, the world sees only one side of us.
It's time to let the other side show too.
Show yourself in the light of day.
It's okay to admit when you are struggling
It's okay to be afraid
It's okay to ask hard questions
It's okay to let yourself feel
It's okay to not have it all together
All of that is okay.
What's not okay is to hold that all in, to only let it out in the darkness, to put on a show and pretend that you are someone you're not.
We're all in this together.
The sun and moon can co-exist, this year more than any other.
Both in the sky and in our lives.
The world is a brighter place when they do.