18 years and 354 days.
That's how long I had the blessing of living with this boy, having him under my roof, and knowing where he was (most of the time anyway).
It wasn't always easy.
He's spirited, adventurous and fearless. Which made the younger years more than a little interesting!
But most of the time it was fun.
And watching him grow into the man he was meant to be touches my heart in ways I never knew possible.
There were lots of days when I felt like I wasn't doing enough, that I wasn't teaching my boys enough, that I wasn't doing it right.
Days when I fell asleep exhausted from chasing them and navigating all of the chaos that comes with parenting.
Raising humans is tough!
What I'm realizing though, after watching him do all the adult things he's had to do to get ready for college, is that he's going to be just fine.
And to all my other friends whose kids went off to college this week, yours will be too.
All those years when they were young, they were watching us. Taking away the good things we had to give, learning what not to do (sometimes by our examples), and shaping their own amazing identities.
My heart is bursting today. I'm sad that he's gone, but so excited for him.
He's resourceful and kind and thoughtful and diligent.
He even made a list (categorized no less) of everything he needed to take with him to college, packed it all up himself and drove me to campus yesterday morning so I didn't have to drive the nearly 3-hour trip both ways.
The last few years have challenged him in so many ways, and he’s shown incredible strength under pressure.
I couldn't be prouder.
I'll try not to get too sappy in my post today, as I'm sure at some point he'll read it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this...
It's all worth it.
The struggles, the tears, the arguments, the hugs, the kisses, the long days spent parenting.
Letting go isn't easy, but it's time for them to experience life on their own. And they are going to do amazing things.
There's no doubt in my mind that you're going to leave your mark on this world, Ryder Smith!
Just don't forget to come home once in awhile...