At the Walmart near me, the candy is in the same aisle as the frozen vegetables.
How's that for irony?
All of the chocolates and sweets staring at you from across the aisle as you try to buy those healthy steamer packs of vegetables.
And let’s be real. Some days we just want to ignore the vegetables and eat all the candy, right?
Today is Mother's Day.
A day to celebrate all of the women who play the critically important role of care giving for others. Whether it's their own biological children, their adopted children or someone else's children who need them.
A day to splurge and relax and step away from all of the responsibilities that come with taking care of people.
We all know raising kids and managing a family is hard.
And the hard doesn't get easier as the kids grow, it just changes.
You never stop worrying about them. Even when they are grown and out of the house.
You never stop wondering if you did all the right things, or if you should have done more or less.
And along the way, us Moms have to make a lot of tough choices.
Like whether to buy the candy or the frozen vegetables.
I think Walmart did that on purpose.
Was it to force us to choose between the two or simply to make it easier for us to pick up the vegetables since we were going to the candy aisle either way?
We may never know.
And does it even really matter?
Today let's celebrate that we can have both.
Reach out to all of the moms you know and tell them how amazing they are.
Reflect on those that are no longer here with us and smile at the memories.
And if you're struggling because your situation with your mom wasn't that great, I feel that too. Take a moment to think about how your experience made you stronger and surround yourself with people you love.
So let’s be real today.
About how we’d rather have candy than vegetables.
But also in the ways that really matter.
Real kind.
Real appreciative.
Real grateful.
Happy Mother's Day!
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