Green beans.
When my boys started eating solid foods, green beans were one of the first things we introduced.
And they loved them!
All I had to do was sit them in the high chair, pour a can of green beans on the tray, and they were happy.
So easy.
For a few years, I carried cans of green beans with me wherever we went. And a can opener, of course.
I'd sometimes find a can rolling out from under the car seat after we got home from a camping trip or a weekend away.
I remember there being a sense of comfort that I had at least one thing I knew they would eat no matter what.
Green beans are still a staple in our house. I have a cabinet full of them.
Even now, my boys will open a can, pour it on a plate and eat them all in one sitting.
It makes me smile.
So much of what happens to us in life is complicated. Nuanced and full of decisions.
We need more things that are easy.
And sometimes, we just need to let life BE easy, even when it might not seem like that's possible.
I have an amazing friend and mentor who tells me that a lot.
Let it be easy, she'll tell me. Sit back, relax and soak it all in.
Accept the great things that are happening in our lives and lean into them.
Do more of what makes us happy.
Decide that it's okay for things to be simple. That we don't have to take on all of the burdens that aren't ours.
Some of the best things in life are the simple ones. I'm seeing that more clearly with every passing year.
Open that can of green beans.
Pour it on the plate.
Let it be easy.
Life is so much happier that way.
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