If you live in the Midwest, there's a good chance that you have at least one junk drawer.
I have two.
Mine are filled with miscellaneous junk.
Odds and ends and pieces of things that I find around the house but am unsure where they belong.
Cords of all types and sizes
A pair of earphones that no longer work
(They were expensive so I can't just throw them away!)
A protractor
An old smoke detector
A glittery barrette from a St. Patricks Day party (6 years ago!)
A pair of extra sunglasses
And some dead batteries
These are just a few of the things in my junk drawers.
I periodically go through them, maybe once a year or so, and throw a few things away.
Once I accidentally threw away the battery cover for the remote control for our TV in the basement (which we hardly use).
I was purging the junk drawer and came across the black plastic piece, but when I checked all of the upstairs remotes they all had their covers.
So, of course, I figured it wasn't important and tossed it.
Then a few weeks later, I was in the basement cleaning up, and when I moved the remote the batteries fell out of it.
I immediately realized my mistake.
And had to go find the duct tape to keep the batteries in place.
Funny how life works.
I think that's why we have junk drawers.
To hold all of those odds and ends. Just in case we need them.
Most of the time the drawer stays closed. Out of sight, out of mind.
But when we find those things around our house that are missing parts and pieces, it's the first place we check.
The junk drawer is the one place where clutter is acceptable and necessary.
It's organized chaos in a way.
We need a place to store the odds and ends. One that closes tight so they aren't in our line of sight all of the time.
But just like any other clutter around us, it's important to purge it every once in awhile.
Even if you risk throwing away something that you might need later.
The beautiful thing about life is that there are multiple ways to solve a problem.
If you accidentally throw away the battery cover, you just use the duct tape to hold them in.
Sometimes we find what we need in our junk drawers and sometimes we don't.
Just like in life.
Sometimes things fall into place like we expected. And sometimes they don't.
The key is that we learn from those experiences.
And that we periodically purge the "junk" from our drawers, our minds and our homes.
When's the last time you purged your junk drawer?