I love wrapping presents.
But I'll admit I'm not the best at it.
I tend to tear the edges of the wrapping paper when I cut it.
For multiple reasons.
One being that I buy cheap wrapping paper. At the end of the day, that stuff just gets thrown away, so why spend a lot of money on it?
The second? I move quickly when I'm cutting it.
So the ends are almost always jagged and ripped.
But when I fold them over and tape them shut, no one sees those jagged edges.
They just see the final product. Pretty and colorful and topped with ribbons and bows.
It's kind of like how we are in life.
We hide our jagged edges, tuck them under and tape them shut so that the world only sees the pretty package.
And it's even worse now with social media.
So many ways for people to post only their best pics and stories - hiding their jagged edges behind the shimmer and shine of their highlight reels.
I'll admit I'm guilty of that too. I mostly post my happy moments, things that bring me joy and make me grateful for life.
Because that's what I want to remember.
The package may look beautiful on the outside, but underneath, the edges are often torn and fragile.
The jagged edges are there. We all have them.
But once you tear that paper off, no matter how torn those edges are, there's a gift inside.
Whether it's a literal gift like that birthday present I wrapped.
Or the gift of a beautiful heart, an amazing friendship, and the relief of knowing that we are not alone in this life.
Don't let those Instagram or TikTok or Facebook photos and videos fool you.
Look beyond the pretty picture and seek the imperfections we try so hard to hide.
Reach out and show your own jagged edges.
Laugh about them. Cry about them.
Give the world the gift of your true self.
Jagged edges and all.
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