So many beverages.
In my car.
On my desk.
On the kitchen counter.
Next to my couch.
In cups, bottles, mugs and an assortment of other containers.
Sometimes I get teased about how many drinkable things I have around me at all times.
I'll have my morning coffee and then forget to take my cup to the sink, leaving it by the couch with one sip left in it.
Later that day, I'll drink half of a bottle of water and leave it beside that coffee cup.
When I leave home, I'll stop at Kwik Trip and grab a soda for the drive. I'll drink two-thirds of it and leave it in the console.
Then I get out of the car and the next time I get back in, that soda is too flat and warm for me to drink, so I have to get something else.
And so it goes...living life and drinking lots of fluids. Leaving a trail behind me.
It's kind of funny if you think about it.
But I'm okay with this (probably not unique) habit of mine. There are worse habits I could have.
I often laugh at myself when I finally clean out my car and throw away the assortment of bottles inside.
And it makes me think.
The purpose of all of these beverages is to keep me hydrated. And to quench my thirst.
I think about how I'm not the only one who gets thirsty. We all do.
Sometimes it takes different types of drinks to satisfy that thirst.
Some are sweet, some hot, and some cold.
Some come in plastic bottles, others in paper cups or fancy metal ones with straws.
Kind of like our experiences in life.
We thirst for love, companionship, fun, laughter, adventure, and learning.
All of which come in different shapes, sizes and containers.
It's typical to have multiple experiences happening at once too. In our homes, our workplaces and even our cars.
Occasionally, they pile up and we have to purge, getting rid of the ones that are empty or have gone flat or gotten too warm.
We make room for new experiences, quenching our thirst again with something we haven't tasted before.
It's all part of the journey.
Part of the adventure called life.
And it's so important to stay hydrated along the way.
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