I've seen some beautiful flowers in my neighborhood lately.
They catch my eye as I'm walking or running and I have to pause and take a photo.
They remind me that we grow from the inside out. Like flowers unfolding.
When we are born, our cells are busy multiplying inside of us, forming and shaping us year after year into the human beings that we are today.
Throughout our lives, we grow intellectually and emotionally from the inside out too.
Our emotions, our thoughts, our internal wiring, all contribute to our character and our personalities.
We are amazing beings with so much strength and power within us.
So why then, do so many people give up that power to things outside of themselves?
Why, when life is tough, is there so much blame on external factors, when we have the ability to grow and create our own happiness?
I think for many people it's easier that way. It hurts less when we fail if it's not our "fault."
It takes true strength to own up to the fact that we are accountable for our own success in life and ultimately, our own happiness.
We can't get true happiness from something outside of us.
We have to work at it. And work at it. And then work at it again.
We have to make conscious choices to own our mistakes, to make tough decisions, and to hold ourselves accountable for our own lives and the direction they take.
It's hard, but it's so much more rewarding when you can look back at your life and the success that you have and know that you did it through sheer determination and willpower.
There are so many things happening in our world right now that are out of our control.
But we have to realize that even when faced with those things, there are always ways to move forward.
It might be a different path than we thought we'd be on, but it's still a path. And it's still forward motion.
It's time to push each other to grow from the inside out again.
To find that power within us and that confidence in our ability to create change.
And to hold each other personally accountable for doing everything in our control to keep our lives moving forward in a positive, productive way.
We are not victims of our circumstances.
The ability to grow and succeed lies within each and every one of us.
And we all need to own that.
I believe in you. Do you?