Sometimes life can knock us flat on our backs.
Like this leaf I saw last fall when I came out to my car after it rained.
I imagined it floating on the breeze, pushed along by the storm, and BAM! flattened against the door handle.
End of the road. You're done here, nothing left to see.
It's hard to stay positive when you're laid out like that.
I write this blog intentionally to inspire, to share the things I learn from life that help me keep it all in perspective.
But that doesn't mean it's all sunshine and roses. The rainbows aren't always visible and the unicorns aren't always prancing around.
Let's get real - we all have a breaking point.
We're only meant to handle so much at any one time.
When it all gets to be too much in my life, it can be hard to write this blog, to feel inspired enough to find the positive to share with you.
That's when I have to just sit in it.
Sit in the pile of stuff life is handing me and my family.
Feel all the feels.
Let myself be ticked off, swear at the universe, and have a good cry.
It's not fair when we get flattened over and over, and over again.
I don't have an answer for it, either. I don't have any magic words that take the frustration, the hurt, the worry, or the anxiety away.
All I know is that I only have this one life to live.
I can choose to let it break me.
Or I can choose to try my hardest to let go of the things I can't control. And find the good in even the most difficult times.
So here's to feeling the suck, but not letting it define our lives.
And peeling ourselves off the car door when we get flattened in the storm.
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