Greetings from sunny Door County, Wisconsin!
My niece and I got away this weekend for a much needed girls' trip.
She's amazing and inspiring and I'm so proud of her and all that she has made of her life.
We don't spend nearly enough time together, so when we do get the chance to get away it's pretty special.
The weather was just perfect this weekend.
We spent quite a bit of time down at the marina taking in the sunshine.
We took a tour on the trolley and met some fun new people.
We also spent a lot of time talking about life.
And having a glass or two of wine, of course. When in Rome...
One of my favorite things about life in my 40's is the way my mindset has shifted.
I'm so much more comfortable in my own skin now. I can be wholly and truly me.
Courageously authentic is how I would describe it. Unapologetic for who I am and how I view life.
I see a lot of that already in Sam too, and she's almost 20 years younger than me. I'm so happy for her that she's found that so much earlier in her life.
Here's an example of what I mean:
Last night, we were going to try the Mexican place across from our hotel for dinner. But when we sat down on the patio outside and looked at the menu, we just weren't feeling it.
Instead of deciding we'd just suck it up and have a less than great experience, we found the waitress, thanked her for her time, and told her nicely that we weren't going to eat there.
We ended up down the street at an amazing place with a gorgeous view of the lake and had a fantastic meal.
I believe the courage to make choices like that in our lives comes from the life experience we've had. The situations we've gone through that have built our thick skin and taught us to be strong.
What does it look like to be courageously authentic?
We can talk about nearly any topic and to just about anyone
We can laugh at ourselves
We can speak up and stand up for what we want
We can cry openly in front of others and not feel self-conscious
We can admit when we are wrong and own our sh*t
That last one might be the most important of all of them.
When we mess up, we own it. We do what we can to make it right. We humble ourselves and acknowledge that we are only human.
We learn and grow from our mistakes.
It's a wonderful way to live.
I highly recommend giving it a try.