Life throws rocks in our paths.
How you choose to deal with them, either positively or negatively, can change the trajectory of your life.
Last night, I attended my ex-husband's wedding.
My boys now have a step-mother.
And I adore her.
When I got divorced eight years ago, it was one of the most difficult decisions of my life.
My mother had been married and divorced three times, and it was something I had always swore would never happen to me.
But life took an unexpected turn.
When I knew with certainty that my marriage was over, I also made a conscious decision that I would do everything in my power to make this a positive experience for our family.
Especially for our boys.
So often, divorce is ugly.
People let the petty things become obstacles to maintaining a healthy relationship and doing what's right for the kids involved.
Life is a series of choices.
We have the power to choose to react differently. To not make it ugly.
I chose positivity.
I chose to not get upset over the little things that didn't really matter.
I chose for our boys to see their dad and me getting along and supporting them.
I'm grateful every day for that choice.
And for the wonderful woman who has been in my boys' lives for the last eight years.
She makes me gifts for Mother's Day and Christmas.
She takes beautiful pictures of my boys and shares them with me.
She supports our parenting decisions and I know that when the boys are there we're on the same page.
I know how unique this is. Not everyone has this type of relationship.
But I also know that this was not just luck.
Had we not made the conscious choice to get along and work together, with open and honest communication, we wouldn't have what we have.
Our boys have seen how mature adults can make tough changes in life and still like each other. They see how we talk and laugh and work together.
Last night, at the wedding, we toasted the bride and groom and I shared my gratitude for this woman's presence in their life and her influence on them.
I hugged them and congratulated them.
Then we proceeded to dance the night away and celebrate the next step in their journey.
So many people came up to me and expressed how unique this is, and that actually made me a little sad.
Divorce doesn't have to be ugly. You can have a positive, happy relationship.
But you have to choose for it to be that way.
When life throws those rocks in your path, you have two choices.
You can see them as obstacles.
Or you can see them as stepping stones, paving the way to your future.
Choose wisely.