The other night, I was standing at my kitchen counter, taking grapes off the vine and dropping them into a bowl.
If I don't do that, they often sit in the bag and never get eaten.
Silly but true. I can't seem to muster up the energy to pull them off the vine after a long day of work.
So sue me. Or nod along with me if you're the same way.
Anyway, as I was doing this, the grapes kept bouncing out of the bowl and landing on the floor, then rolling away.
I chased after one. Then another. Then another.
By about the sixth time, I just had to stop and laugh. I must have looked ridiculous.
So I paused, and I decided something had to change.
I sat down at the table with the grapes instead of standing at the counter. Pulled them off the vine directly over the bowl and gently let them fall in.
The grapes stayed in the bowl this time.
No more chasing.
It made me think about how we can get caught up in that trap. Chasing and chasing and trying to catch whatever elusive thing is just beyond our grasp.
All too often, we don't stop long enough to pause and think about a different, possibly better, way of doing things.
Sometimes we just have to break the cycle. Take a deep breath and flip our perspective.
Are you chasing something right now? Does it feel impossible to catch?
Stop chasing it. For just a moment.
Look around, assess the situation.
The grapes don't have to keep bouncing out of the bowl and rolling away.
You can contain them.
It might just take a different viewpoint, a new angle or approach.
There will always be things to chase in life.
The chase can be exhilarating. Especially when we catch the thing we're chasing.
But when we're running and running and getting nowhere, or worse, picking up the grapes over and over again with no end in sight, it's time to redirect.
Pause and breathe.
Adjust and reset.
Then start our pursuit again in a different way.
This time, the chase is more fun. And rewarding.
And the thing we are chasing might just be a little easier to catch.
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