Sometimes, if I plug too many things in at once on the same circuit, I end up blowing a fuse.
The power goes out and everything on that circuit stops working.
Then it's a trip down to the basement to the fuse box.
At least the blown fuse is easy to spot, with its bright red indicator.
A simple flip of the switch and things are set right again. The power comes back on.
If only it were that easy in real life!
Sometimes our circuits get overloaded too.
We have too many things plugged in at once.
Too many commitments, too many priorities.
We get overwhelmed and we end up blowing a fuse. The power goes out and we struggle to see in the darkness.
In real life, there's no fuse box with a nice red indicator to guide us to the right switch to flip.
In real life, we have to figure out how to turn the power back on all on our own.
Maybe we need to plug a few less things in at once. Prioritize them differently.
Let people help us so life doesn't feel so overwhelming.
Or simply slow down a bit to keep from blowing fuses at all.
It can take a mindset shift though.
There's so much pressure to do more, be more, fill our lives with stuff and compete with everyone else.
There's too much value placed on how many hours we work, how much money we make, and how many gifts we give.
Is that really the reason we are here?
Are we meant to continually push ourselves so hard that we blow fuse after fuse?
Fill our lives so full that we never have time to relax and enjoy them?
I don't think so.
The older I get, the more certain I am that we're not meant to be so busy and overwhelmed all the time.
We're meant to make room to relax. To enjoy the little things.
To live and love and laugh.
To stop overloading our days to the point where we are blowing fuses.
To see that the real value in this world is in the smiles we share and the happiness we spread.
Let's choose carefully what we allow to consume our power.
Say no to a few things so we can make space to relax and breathe.
And keep the lights shining brightly on everything around us.
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