A few years ago on a family camping trip, I snapped a picture of the sunset over the lake at the campground where we were staying. It's still one of my favorite pics of all time.
I came across it when I was going through some old photos the other day.
It was one of the first camping trips I had been on after I separated from my now ex-husband.
My boys were with him for the weekend, so I was alone.
I no longer had a camper to sleep in so I was bunking with my brother and his family.
All I had for that trip was my cooler, a bag of clothes and a few necessities.
Just the basics.
I felt very alone that weekend. Even though I was surrounded by people I loved and who loved me.
I sometimes feel that same feeling right now, being isolated at home.
Those feelings bring back memories. Good ones and bad ones.
They make me reflect on my life and the decisions I have made that led me to where I am.
And they make me wonder about the decisions I have yet to make that will lead me to wherever it is that I'm headed.
I am generally the type of person that likes to spend time alone. In fact, before this, I had yearned for more quiet time to pause and reflect.
Now there are days when I yearn for the chaos of a busy day at the office.
I'm realizing through this experience that there's a balance that we need to create.
A balance between "just the basics" and the chaotic rush of "normal" life.
Right now, with so much uncertainty all around us, it's even more important to find that balance. To know where our center is.
If you really think about it, there are a only a few things we truly need in life.
You could even argue that the first four are the only things we actually "need" for our physical bodies to survive.
But I would argue that the last two are just as important to our survival.
The last one in that list is one that I think many people are struggling with right now.
When we are not able to do the things that normally shape our lives, or even just not able to do them in the same way, it affects our sense of purpose.
I know I feel it.
My life used to be consumed by my work in a very large way.
Under it all, there was a constant hum of things for me to think about. Projects that needed to be completed, decisions to be made, a team to lead that needed my guidance.
Then I'm vaulted head-first into a world where I don't have to think about work anymore.
I'm back to the basics.
I'm doing some things for my own personal growth, but mostly focused on making sure my boys have food, water, shelter, and pushing them to get outside and burn off that pent-up teenage energy.
And of course, showing them all the love I can. But, did I say they are teenagers? Some days they are too cool for that.
Purpose is more difficult right now with options being so limited.
The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that we may have to redefine purpose in the near-term.
Perhaps our purpose right now isn't something grand and visionary.
Perhaps our purpose right now is simply to return to the basics.
To ensure that we all have food, water, shelter and love.
To help each other stay sane through the feelings of isolation.
To build each other up and offer a sounding board for those who just need to talk.
To check in on our friends and neighbors and make sure they know there are people out there who are thinking about them.
To show our gratitude for all of those people who are holding down the fort for those of us who aren't working right now.
Perhaps our purpose right now is simply to give ourselves grace.
And to take a deep breath and allow ourselves to relax as best we can.
Sometimes the most basic things in life are also the most important.
It's a good time to get back to them.