The trees formed a bridge over our heads.
Casting shade along the path.
It was dusk.
That period of time between light and dark, day and night.
I love the transitional times of day.
Early morning as the sun is rising.
And dusky evening, as the sun drops below the horizon.
It's also my favorite time to get out for a walk.
Especially on a beautiful spring evening.
Walking a path through nature, watching as the color fades from the world.
This particular night was no exception.
Absolutely my favorite.
I closed my eyes and took in the sounds and the smells. Caught my breath after a long week of work and life.
As I walked that path, the darkness fluctuated.
Under the trees, it was deeper and more intense.
At the breaks in the trees, it was lighter, shapes more visible.
A lot like life.
We go through times of intense darkness. Unable to see, unsure of our next move.
And then, after walking a bit, putting one foot in front of the other, we break through into the light again.
Even when the light is dim, we know in a few hours that it will be brighter again as the sun rises and a new day greets us.
The more years I spend on this earth, the more true this becomes.
With every experience that challenges me, I learn and grow.
And each time it gets a little bit easier to keep perspective.
To make choices, even the tough ones, and maintain a positive outlook.
I'm so grateful for that.
Grateful for the lessons I've learned.
Grateful for the dusky paths in life that have led me to where I am today.
How about you?
Are you walking along your own dusky path?
Hopefully you're pausing to appreciate the way the darkness comes and goes.
Making choices that shape your life and your happiness.
And growing stronger with every single step.
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