Fall is my favorite time of year.
We're not quite there yet, but we will be soon. I can't wait to break out my sweaters, boots and jeans!
I was able to wear them to work a week or so ago when it was just cool enough outside to do it.
I had hope that it would be the turning point, but then Mother Nature sent the humidity and warm air right back at us. I'll take it when I can get it, though.
Looking down at my feet that morning, I had a vivid memory of the day when I mistakenly wore two different boots. It seems so long ago, yet also like it just happened yesterday.
If you've read my blog from the beginning, you'll know that was a turning point in my life. That day, in part, was my inspiration for this blogging journey.
I still remember how it felt when I first noticed that my boots were different. And then how it felt when I realized that I didn't care enough to let it ruin my day. How empowering that was!!
It's been an amazing transformation for me to be able to look at the events of my life with this whole new perspective. To be able to evaluate each one and filter out so many that I no longer allow to bother me or take me down a negative path.
I guess it's kind of like the transition from flip flops and shorts to boots and jeans.
When you wear flip flops and you walk around, the dirt and pebbles in your path can end up all over your bare feet, or stuck between your toes.
When you wear boots, that doesn't happen.
Those little annoying pebbles can't get in. The dirt stays off of your feet. Only the really big things could even attempt to poke through and hurt you.
I would encourage you to live every day like you're in boots and jeans. Don't let the pebbles in, or the dirt that sometimes comes up in clouds when life is overwhelming.
Take every negative event that happens in your life and evaluate it against these questions:
1. Have I been through something like this before and survived?
2. Will dwelling on this situation add any value to my life?
3. A year from now, will this even matter?
Pause and really think about it.
So many things in life can take us down a negative path and waste our precious energy and time. The key is not to allow that to happen.
We only have this one life to live, people.
99% of the things that happen to us don't have to cause so much drama.
You have complete control over how much power you give the events of your life.
You get to choose how many of life's pebbles get stuck between your toes.
I choose to live my life in boots.
Sometimes they are dressy boots with a heel, sometimes flat and comfortable for walking.
Yours might need to be steel-toed.
No matter which kind of boots you choose, wear them with pride.
And let those pebbles bounce right off your feet as you enjoy this amazing journey!