"Want a pickle?" - I heard a voice from behind me when I was sitting on the bleachers at my oldest son's baseball game yesterday.
I turned around and there was my 12-year-old, holding a little paper boat with three giant dill pickles in it. He knows how much I love them, so he got an extra one for me from the concession stand.
Silly as it was, it touched my heart. That small thoughtful gesture expressed his love for me without him even having to say it.
Those "three little words" that we all yearn to hear are often said in so many different ways.
We just need to listen for them.
Lately, I've been trying to notice those things more and take the time to pause and be grateful for them.
Tuesday, after Ryder's baseball game, I gave him money to get food from the concession stand (feels like we eat there a lot in the summer!). He actually took the hug I offered him, in front of his friends, and said: "Thank you Mom!"
Thursday night, I got home really late after a work dinner and when I pulled into the garage, Jacob came out to greet me. I got out of the car and he took my laptop bag from me: "I'll get that!"
Friday morning, it was stormy and hailing when I had to leave for work. I went into Ryder's room to say goodbye and in a sleepy, teenage voice, he said: "Drive safe Mom!"
Saturday, at the game, Jacob was explaining to me his plan to help get everything organized and packed up while I work on Wednesday so we can go camping for Fourth of July: "We'll be ready!"
Sometimes it's not words at all, but the things people do for us that show us how much they care.
For example, I'm blessed with two amazing brothers.
One of them made a special trip to my place to drop off some firewood and help get a few things out of my garage and into the basement.
The other one is going to install my new dishwasher over Fourth of July weekend.
I know I could ask them at any time for help and they'd be there for me. I don't need three little words to know how much they care.
The rest of my family and friends aren't so bad, either:
My aunt drove over after working all afternoon just to drop off a headboard for Jacob and a hose box/reel because my little car isn't big enough to haul either of them.
My best friend's husband bought me a beer at the ballpark on Saturday.
My neighbor brought over kindling and put it into my outdoor fire pit while I was at work.
And even at work:
My boss sent me a touching email thanking me for all of my hard work over the past few years and wishing me well as I embark on a new journey in a different role within our organization.
A colleague (and friend) and I have lunch together at least once a week. We brainstorm and help each other navigate through challenges. This one does come with three little words though: "Let's have tacos!"
Whether it's words or actions, there are signs all around us of the ways that people care.
Embrace the many ways that love is spoken and shown in your lives, take in all of the good things that happen to you, the hugs you get, and the acts of kindness from others.
But don't forget to also show your gratitude to those you care about.
Share a smile, buy that friend a taco or a beer, compliment them on their latest accomplishment, or offer to help when you can tell they need it.
The world is a better place with those three little words in it, and all of their many variations.
Listen for them.