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Two Dead Plants

Writer's picture: Michelle L. SmithMichelle L. Smith

I have never in my life had a green thumb. In fact, my thumb is black as midnight.

People give me live plants and flowers and I admire them for a day or two and then forget to water them. Then when they die, I forget to throw them away.

I've been told that I could take care of them if I set my mind to it. That's true. But for whatever reason, I just don't want to. I literally have zero desire to do it, so it doesn't cross my mind to think to water them.

I used to feel bad and apologize for things like this.

But the more self-aware I become, the more I realize that I have nothing to apologize for.

If I choose to not take care of live plants or flowers, that's my prerogative. And no one gets to tell me that I have to do it.

I'm not quite sure why I'm writing today about my black thumb...

Maybe because I walked into my family room last night and saw two dead plants sitting on my mantle. Think they've been there for a couple of months now.

It's a great feeling when you realize that you have the freedom to say no to things that don't add value to your life, and you don't have to feel bad about it.

We waste so much of our time doing things because we feel like they are expected of us by others.

What about what we expect from ourselves?

Ultimately, we are the only people in our lives that we truly need to make happy.

Now I'm not talking about the important things that may not always be fun, but have to be done to maintain our lives. Like going to work every day, or taking care of our homes so our children have a safe place to live.

But beyond the basics for human survival, most other things are like my two dead plants.

We either choose to water them or we choose to spend our time doing things that add value to our lives in different ways.

I guess I'm really trying to say two simple things:

1. Choose what makes YOU happy, not what you think other people want you to do.

2. Spend your time's your most precious resource.

Oh, and maybe a third one...

If you are inclined to buy me a plant or live flowers, think twice.

I'd rather get a personal note or text showing your gratitude or appreciation.

Or better yet, stop by with a bottle of wine and let's have a great conversation about the things that add value to our lives.

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