The other day, I spent twenty minutes searching for my car keys so I could get out the door to work. I have a bad habit of losing them.
This time, they had fallen down into the dark recesses of my purse, into a pocket that I never use. I had checked my purse three times and didn't see them.
You'd think by now, I'd be able to put them into the same spot every time so this doesn't happen.
Yet, somehow, even though I feel like I am pretty smart in most areas of my life, I can't seem to train myself to do this.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
There is a lot of truth in this definition. We spend so much time chasing after the things that we think we are missing in life.
We spin our wheels, doing the same things over and over again, and then get frustrated because we can never seem to catch them.
Maybe we need to slow down and look at the way we are going about trying to find them. Maybe we need to change our entire approach and break the pattern we'd been following.
And maybe we need to rethink the whole thing altogether. Maybe those things we think we are missing aren't really all that important.
If we truly looked around us and were grateful for everything we have that makes up this wonderfully imperfect, amazing life, we may find that we'd be happier if we just stopped searching altogether.
The more accurate definition of insanity might just be not appreciating what's literally already in our lives and right in front of us.
Except for the car keys of course - it's probably just a little insane how much time I actually spend searching for them.
I'm open to ideas on how to change that...
But other than that, I'm going to work harder to stop the insanity in other areas of my life and spend more time focusing on all of the blessings right in front of me.
Hope you will too....Happy Easter friends!