Patterns are all around us - in the pictures we take, the books we read, the dreams we have, even in the ordinary things that surround us in our homes.
Some are symmetrical, well-defined and easy to spot; others don't become clear until you take the time to pause and reflect on them.
The last few years, I've been seeing patterns in numbers.
When I look at a clock, no matter where I am or who I am with, more often than not it's been showing me a string of the same number - 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44...
I know not everyone believes in signs or the power of the universe, but I do. Those of you who read my blog often (or spend time with me in real life) know that I truly believe everything happens for a reason.
For me, I think these patterns symbolize the pieces of my life that have been falling into place the last few years. Bit by bit, my life experiences are teaching me more about who I really am. Establishing order and balance. Helping me understand what's really important.
The last few months though I've fallen off my path a bit. I've let the stresses of life and work get to me, and lost sight of my personal focus. Of who I am and who I aspire to be.
The patterns have been more frequent too, showing up in my path more often, telling me it's time to pay attention and re-evaluate things.
On my run yesterday (the first really long run I've taken in months), I paused to reflect on the patterns around me.
There is this amazing railing along a bridge around the lake. If you look at it at just the right angle it seems to go on forever, repeating the same pattern over and over into oblivion.
And it made me pause...literally stopped me in my tracks.
I took a good look at the heavy metal of the cold, black railing...then cleared my brain and just focused on it for a few minutes.
I'm sure people driving by were wondering what I was doing stopped on that bridge.
But I didn't care. I was seeing the pattern, and trying to hear what it was telling me.
I think I figured it out. But I won't share all of the details here; that's between me and my brain. Which can be an interesting place...
My point to all of you is this:
Pay attention to the patterns in your own life.
Take the time to pause and reflect on what they are telling you.
Then make the changes or do the things that move you forward, bring you joy, and set you more fully on the course you were meant to be on.
You have the power to create the life you want to live.
Use it.