Pictures of smiling families, perfectly arranged tables with a beautiful meal that is cooked just right, decorations shining brightly, and so much Christmas cheer you can hardly stand it.
I call bullshit...in a totally respectable way of course.
All of that is just a facade.
Yes, Christmas is about family and friends and good food and shiny decorations. But that picture perfect view we see on social media or holiday cards is nowhere near reality.
Why do we try so hard to not let people see just how truly imperfect Christmas is?
I'd like to see the mess this Christmas.
Show me the pictures and posts of the reality of the holidays - the chaos, the laughter, and the things we don't like to talk about.
Share the frustration of feeling the need to buy the perfect presents, and to be "fair," and make sure you have something for everyone. It's not about the gifts though, right? (just a touch of sarcasm there)
Post about the last minute run to the grocery store in your pajamas because you forgot that one ingredient for that special dish you just have to make (even though you have 5 others already and no one would really miss it)
Take a picture of the kids fighting over who gets to put the ornaments on the tree. And then one of them giving up and walking away so the parents have to finish it themselves and claim it was a fun "family" evening.
Acknowledge that there will be family drama that we just can't seem to let go over the holidays. People are going to argue and fight and some may hold grudges and not even show up. That's part of life too.
Give us a visual of the stuff that gets thrown in the closet before company comes over so the place looks clean. Let them open the closet door, and laugh at how many of us do the same thing!
Tell stories of that one family member who had too many Tom and Jerry's on Christmas Eve and did something hilarious that became a wonderful holiday memory.
And when together in real life, love each other and share the laughter, the tears, and the memories of those who are no longer here to celebrate with us.
This Christmas, let go of the visions in your head of that picture perfect holiday that doesn't really exist.
Spend more time together learning how imperfect the holidays really are. Share your struggles, your true reality and see how many times you hear the words, "I know exactly what you mean/how you feel!"
Some people would say you shouldn't air your dirty laundry over the holidays. They might say it would ruin the spirit of Christmas.
I say it would bring us all closer together.
And that's what Christmas really is all about...isn't it?