Some days it feels like life is incredibly complicated, full of people that need things from me, meetings to run off to, and so many things to do that it makes my head spin. The roller coaster ride makes me want to puke, and every day there is "one more thing" to add to the pile.
Looking back at my blog posts from the last few weeks, I'm seeing a common theme. I've been letting the little things get to me and making life way too complicated.
I need to step back and put things in perspective again.
I need to remember that life is really quite S.I.M.P.L.E.
Stop Sweating the Small Stuff
All too often, we let the minutiae of life take control of our days. And before we know it, years go by where we just tread water and take care of the little things in life that are "urgent."
Try to stop worrying about all of the little things, and find ways to be able to focus on the stuff that matters.
Order those groceries online so you don't have to go to the store, pay that cleaning service to deep clean your bathrooms, and don't worry so much if you buy those cookies instead of baking them for your kid's school party.
And remember, it's almost ALL small stuff!
If It Doesn't Bring You Joy, Get Rid of it
Once a week, walk around your home and find the things that don't add value in your life. Donate them or throw them away if they aren't useful anymore.
Tell that person who constantly brings you down that you can't spend time with them anymore.
Surround yourself with the things and people in your life that make you smile.
Make Time for Your Health
When the days are hectic, it becomes even more important to take care of your health. Get enough sleep, try to stay consistent with your exercise routine, and eat as well as you can.
You can't function well if you don't have the physical energy or mental focus required to be on top of your game.
Put yourself first and force yourself to make you a priority.
Plan Ahead
Before a big day at work, or a day running your kids from place to place, take time to make a list of the things you need to do.
Even if it takes five minutes that you think you don't have, make the time to do it. You'll feel more prepared and organized and will actually add time to your day by being more efficient.
Investing the time upfront to plan ahead will always save you time in the long run.
Let The People Who Love You Support You
Most of us have people who are willing to help us...if only we ask for it. Even if it's just someone to listen and give a hug when we are having a tough day. Let them.
In the grand scheme of life, people we love are more important than any material thing, work project or meeting that may seem so important in the moment.
Don't let the stuff in your life become more important than the people in your life.
Every Day is a New Opportunity
When you break life down to the things that make it S.I.M.P.L.E., the most important one to remember is that every day is a new opportunity to do things better or differently.
No matter how many choices you made that took you down a path you didn't intend to go, or how many moments you wish you could take back, you can learn from them and change your tomorrow.
This imperfectly perfect life is challenging for a reason. Our struggles teach us to be strong, resilient, and hopeful in the knowledge that all of the choices we make create the life we were meant to have.
Life is really quite simple, and amazingly beautiful.
Force yourself to stop and take the time to actually see it.