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Ever since I was a very young girl, I have been writing. 

I could often be found with a pen and a notebook, scribbling away, capturing the thoughts in my head.


For pretty much my entire life, I've told anyone who would listen that I was going to write a book. 


But over the years, life distracted me - career, children, marriage, divorce, dating, finding myself...  


At 40, I decided it was time to get back to doing the things I love. 


I started seriously writing and instead of a novel, out came a compilation of disjointed memories, thoughts, feelings, and life lessons.   


I struggled to find a way to make it work as one comprehensive piece of writing.   


So, I put it aside for a couple of years while life spun on, faster and faster. 

At 42, I revisited what I wrote and realized that it wasn't really a book after all (at least not yet). 

Instead, I wanted to have a conversation with real people about my ordinary life.

It's been a roller coaster of a journey, but I've grown to realize that life is shaped by the sum of our choices and we alone have the ability to determine how happy it is.


My blog is an outpouring of thoughts, feelings, and experiences.  I try to capture in a meaningful way the lessons I have learned. 


I've been writing posts weekly without fail, since January of 2018.

The opportunity for me to share my thoughts has been both therapeutic and (I hope) inspirational at the same time.

And then life changed in 2020 - a year that catapulted me out of my comfort zone - in about a thousand different ways. 


But it also allowed me the opportunity to finally finish and publish the book that's always been inside me.


I've learned on my journey that life isn't supposed to be easy. 

The tough parts are meant to make us strong.

Just're not in it alone.

Choose to let people in.

Choose to find the positives in the little things every day.

Choose to see your ordinary moments as part of one very extraordinary life.

Choose wisely.  

Picture of blog author
Picture of book cover written by Michelle L. Smith
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